Ap­plied Neur­os­ciences in Sports & Ex­er­cise, M.Sc.

The international Master’s degree Program “Applied Neurosciences in Sports & Exercise” (ANSE) is a two year fulltime program divided into four semesters including 3 course semesters and a 6 month Master’s thesis. Education focuses on neuroscientific aspects of physical activity in sports and health care settings flowing into two areas of specialization: Therapy of Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases and Injuries & Training and Performance Development.

Please, have a closer look at the details of the study program on the other webpages or send us an email (ANSE@sport.upb.de) if you are interested

  • in the combination of neuroscience and sports & exercise

  • in (neuro-)scientific thinking and working

  • in applied research that transfers basic knowledge to therapy and performance

  • to study in an intercultural surrounding.

Further information for foreign students is provided by the homepage of the International Office of Paderborn University.


Sup­port for en­rolled stu­dents

International Office

  • Dormitories
  • Formalities
  • Study Organisation
  • Counselling, Workshops, Online-Seminars
  • Jobs

Dates and Deadlines at UPB

  • University calender
  • Course registration and deregistration
  • Examination registration and deregistration
  • Upcoming lecture periods



AN­SE Wel­come Meet­ing

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M4 (MSc AN­SE) ex­am re­view pos­sib­il­it­ies

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Wel­come Meet­ing Ap­plied Neur­os­ciences in Sports & Ex­er­cise

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Bach­el­or and Mas­ter (M.Sc. & M.Ed.) thes­is in the field of sleep, ANS and sports-re­lated con­cus­sions

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UP­DATE! Wel­come Meet­ing „Ap­plied Neur­os­ciences in Sports & Ex­er­cise“ (AN­SE)

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Ad­just­ments in ap­plic­a­tion dead­line

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IM­PORT­ANT: CORONA-FAQs of the In­ter­na­tion­al Of­fice

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More news


business-card image

Dr. Kirsten Reinecke

Sports Medicine

Study Program Coordination "Applied Neurosciences in Sports & Exercise"

Write email +49 5251 60-3182