Vo­ca­tion­al Teach­ing in "Nu­tri­tion and Home Eco­nom­ics" and "Food Tech­no­logy" for Vo­ca­tion­al Col­leges (BK)

Study Program for Vocational Teaching in "Nutrition and Home Economics" and "Food Technology" for Vocational Colleges (BK)

The vocational teaching degree program is offered in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe and includes the study of the vocational disciplines Nutrition and Home Economics as well as Food Technology. The program consists of a Bachelor’s and a Master’s phase.

Information on the Programs:

You can find details from the Central Student Advisory Service about:

  • The Bachelor's and Master's degree program in the vocational discipline "Nutrition and Home Economics."
  • The Bachelor's and Master's degree program in the vocational discipline "Food Technology."

Qualification for Diverse Vocational School Roles:

The vocational teaching program, with its two disciplines, Nutrition and Home Economics and Food Technology, qualifies students for a broad range of responsibilities in vocational schools. These fields are characterized by:

  • Industrial-technical, craft, commercial, and service-oriented professions.
  • A focus on the food and hospitality sector, followed by home economics.

Additionally, the program covers educational pathways that:

  • Lead to general education qualifications for secondary levels I and II,
  • Prepare students for training programs, or
  • Focus on vocational further education.

Practical Applications:

The tasks for teaching in vocational schools derive from these varied professional and operational fields. The program in Paderborn aims to provide a broad, well-founded, and transferable education that is viewed from multiple perspectives. This enables graduates to address the diverse demands of vocational education effectively.