Re­search in Sports Di­dactics and Ped­agogy

The research works are based on two main research domains:

1) empirical research in school sports and

2) pedagogical orientated research on health.

Studies in school sports focus mainly on teaching and learning processes in physical education (e.g., teaching in heterogenous classes), on students´ behaviour and perspectives on physical education and on the professional development of (future) physical education teachers. Health studies involve mainly children and youngsters. Body dissatisfaction, physical activity and psychosocial markers (e.g., anxiety, disordered eating, well-being) are tackled. Furthermore, the research group is specialized in the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative programs for the promotion of physical activity and for the support of personal development.

In­ter­na­tionale Forschung

Das Projekt wird im Rahmen von ERASMUS+ von der Europäischen Union gefördert. 

Kooperationspartner: Hoegskolan Kristianstad (Schweden), Neapolis University (Zypern), Lietuvos Universitetas (Litauen) und Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Ak­tuelle Forschung­s­pro­jekte

Das Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert. 

Kooperationspartner: Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universität Bielefeld, TU Chemnitz, TU Dortmund, PH Freiburg, Universität Hamburg, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, Universität Leipzig, Universität Münster und Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Die Arbeitsgruppe arbeitet in diesem Projekt zum Thema "Körperbild und Social Media im Schulsport".