Welcome to the website of the Institute for Nutrition, Consumption, and Health

Thank you for your interest in our work. Our institute consists of four research groups: Nutritional Science, Household Economics, Teaching methodology of Home Economics and Public Health Nutrition.

We offer BA and MA programs for future teachers

HRGe (in German: „Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschulen“)

GyGe (in German: „Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen“)

BK (in German: „Berufskolleg“) in cooperation with the University of Applied Science OWL

Furthermore, our institute is involved in BA and MA programs for future primary school teachers in the area of Natural and Social Science and in BA and MA programs in the field of sports.

On this website you can find more information on the degree programs, the description of our focuses in research and development as well as the various projects.

Teaching Methodology

Public Health Nutrition

Nutritional Science

Socioeconomics of the Household

If you need further information, please contact our staff or the secretariat.
We will be glad to help you!

„I particularly appreciate the practical units in the learning workshop and the close supervision by the lecturers. The interdisciplinary approach and applied topics such as nutritional sciences and food culture make the program especially varied.”

Laura Wöhler,

„For me, nutritional education is the ideal mix of familiar and new, exciting disciplines such as health and sports sciences. Binding goal agreements, combined with an almost family-like atmosphere, create an environment in which a sense of community quickly develops”

Lilli-Mari Held,

„Nutritional science is a versatile and practical natural science. What I particularly like about the program is that it includes practical units, such as in the lab or in the learning workshop (kitchen). The close supervision by the Public Health Nutrition working group is also commendable”

Sujivfen Sivanesan,


Prof. Dr. Anette Buyken

More about the person

Prof. Dr. Nina Klünder

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Prof. Dr. Lars Libuda

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Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies

More about the person

Re­search groups

Teach­ing meth­od­o­logy

The subject didactics of Home Economics (Consumerism, Nutrition, Health) is the science of subject-specific teaching and learning in nutrition and consumer education.

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Pub­lic Health Nu­tri­tion

Public Health Nutrition (PHN) is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of populations through sustainable improvements in the food and nutrition system.

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Nu­tri­tion­al Sci­ence

The field of 'Nutritional Science' engages in interdisciplinary research and teaching on the interaction between humans and their food, with regard to health, food choices, and metabolism.

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Life­style and So­cioeco­nom­ics of Private House­holds

The focus of the research is on private households, with an emphasis on the provision of care for individuals and the shared fulfillment of needs.

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More in­form­a­tion for stu­dents

De­part­ment of Nu­tri­tion, Con­sump­tion, and Health

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"Sub­ject ‚Home Eco­nom­ics (Con­sumer­ism, Nu­tri­tion, Health)‘ for Sec­ond­ary Mod­ern, Com­pre­hens­ive, and

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"Sub­ject ‚Nu­tri­tion­al Sci­ence‘ for Gram­mar Schools and Com­pre­hens­ive Schools."

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"Sub­ject ‚Nu­tri­tion and Home Eco­nom­ic­s‘ and ‚Food Tech­no­logy‘ for Vo­ca­tion­al Col­lege."

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Christiane Amedick

Institut für Ernährung, Konsum und Gesundheit

Institute of Nutrition, Consumption and Health

Write email +49 5251 60-2195