Nutrition Science" for grammar schools and comprehensive schools (GyGe)

The Nutrition Science degree programme for grammar schools and comprehensive schools includes a wide range of lectures, seminars, exercises and laboratory practicals with a nutritional and food science focus in addition to the scientific basics. The theory and practice of teaching and learning as well as the challenges of school practice are at the centre of the didactic courses. The teacher training programme for this STEM subject area "Nutrition Science" for grammar schools and comprehensive schools is only possible at the Paderborn study location; the programme can be started for the first time from winter semester 2016/17.
Here you will find information from the Central Student Advisory Service on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.
The study plans will be linked here shortly.
The subject "Nutrition Science" is taught in North Rhine-Westphalia in accordance with the core curriculum at many grammar schools and comprehensive schools at upper secondary level and is examined in the centralised Abitur. It is one of the so-called STEM subject areas and therefore promotes the acquisition of science-based skills among pupils.
Due to its relevance to everyday life and practical orientation, this subject area is extremely popular with students and teachers alike.
You can find a video about the degree programme here.