Cur­rent Is­sues - De­tails

Between the lo­gic of growth and post-growth - Con­fer­ence on Edu­ca­tion for Private Life­styles (HaBiFo), 22-23 Feb­ru­ary 2019 at TU Ber­lin

How can a "good life" succeed despite the challenges of the news? What contribution can household-related education make to lifestyle and coping with everyday life? These are the questions addressed at this year's conference of the Association "Household in Education and Research" (HaBiFo), which will take place at the Technical University of Berlin from 22 to 23 February 2019.


The 2019 annual conference will be opened by Gerd Billen, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. The conference contributions will discuss the various challenges that consumers have to deal with on a daily basis. In view of the actual or perceived powerlessness of consumers, growing standardisation and simultaneous individualisation, the digitalisation of more and more areas of life and the simultaneous dissolution of privacy, the erosion of familiar political and social structures and the initial consequences of the coming climate change, the question arises as to what is still useful as a guide for private lifestyles and how a "good life" can succeed. An "ever more and new" at ever shorter intervals in order to keep the economy running and secure jobs (growth logic) on the one hand and the idea of a "different" economy (post-growth) on the other are two opposing poles between which numerous offers of orientation are positioned today.

The conference aims to pursue the question of the success of a "good life" on three levels: on the macro level of social and economic developments, on the meso level of infrastructures and on the micro level of private households. At the same time, the aim is to clarify what contribution household-related education can make to lifestyle and coping with everyday life in order to prepare people for the tasks of the coming decades.

The association "Haushalt in Bildung und Forschung e. V." has been campaigning for a stronger institutionalisation of household-related education in schools, training and studies since 1994. The 2019 annual conference will take place from 22 to 23 February at the Technical University of Berlin in cooperation with the Institute for Vocational Education and Labour Studies.

Registrations for the conference are still possible until 1 February 2019. All further information and the entire programme of the annual conference are available via the link below.

further links:

Between the logic of increase and post-growth

Information on the HaBiFo annual conference from 22 to 23 February 2019 in Berlin