Welcome to the GlyCoBrain study page
Das Screening für die GlyCoBrain-Studie ist abgeschlossen!

Dear prospective students,
On this page you will find the essential aspects of the controlled nutrition and cognition study of the Paderborn University GlyCoBrain.
Aim of the study: Investigation of correlations between breakfast, blood glucose response and cognition in early and late chronotypes[1]
If you have any questions about the study, please contact: glycobrain-support@uni-paderborn.de
The study will be conducted at Paderborn University room J1.131.
[1] The chronotype describes the individual tendency of a person to be more awake or more active at certain times of the day. It indicates whether a person tends to get up early ("morning person", lark), is a night person ("evening person", owl) or somewhere in between. The chronotype influences when a person is most productive, how they organise their sleep patterns and when they feel most comfortable carrying out certain activities.
Contact persons

Technical Employee - Public Health Nutrition-Sicherheitsbeauftragte und Vertrauensperson der Forschungsgruppe PHN
Office: J1.125
Phone: +49 5251 60-5242
E-mail: melany.illian@uni-paderborn.de
E-mail: glycobrain-support@uni-paderborn.de

Vertrauensperson der Forschungsgruppe PHN
Technical Employee - Public Health Nutrition
Office: J1.125
Phone: +49 5251 60-5242
E-mail: dmeric@mail.uni-paderborn.de
E-mail: glycobrain-support@uni-paderborn.de
Screening: In the screening, we would like to ask you about your breakfast habits on normal university days and before exams. We also want to find out whether you are more of an early riser or a late riser, i.e. whether you are a lark or an owl. You will fill out various questionnaires and your body composition will be analysed.
The screening takes about 90 minutes. If you are a particularly early or late chronotype, you will be invited to take part in our intervention studies.
Detailed information on the screening procedure and data protection can be found [here]
If you take part in the screening,
- you will receive a Delicard voucher worth €10,
- you will have the opportunity to find out your chronotype [this evaluation is currently not commercially available]
- you will find out the composition of your body (water, fat, muscle mass), which we determine using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). [This analysis costs around €30 in fitness centres.]
Measurements carried out
In the course of the studies, we ask you to carry out the following measurements or have them carried out:
- Drinking a test drink (on days 2 and 4)
- repeated measurements of attention and memory performance over the course of 180 minutes (on days 2 and 4)
- manual blood glucose measurement from the fingertip (on days 2 and 4)
- repeated saliva samples (on days 2 and 4).
- heart rate determination using a pulse belt (on days 2 and 4)
- continuous glucose measurement using a sensor that you wear on your stomach or upper arm (on days 1-4),
- fasting blood sampling from a vein (on days 1 and 3),
- anthropometric measurements including body composition (on days 1 and 3),
- Determination of your activity and nocturnal rest phases on preparation days and intervention days using a sensor worn on your wrist (accelerometry) (on days 1-4)
- You will find detailed information on the course of this study and on data protection from March 2025 [here].
If you take part in the controlled nutrition study,
- you will receive an expense allowance of up to €200 (€100 per intervention study),
- you will receive a dinner from us on day 1 and day 3 and a test meal (drink) on day 2 and day 4,
- you will receive an evaluation of your activity and rest phases as an example for one day,
- you will receive feedback on your glucose profile on 2 study days,
- you will again find out the composition of your body (water, fat, muscle mass percentage), which we determine using bioelectrical impedance analysis.