Wel­come to the web­site of the ECG Learn­ing Centre

Our offer is aimed at all students of the Institute - Nutrition, Consumption & Health.

We offer you a variety of support services, such as

  • Counselling
  • Counselling for individual seminars
  • Informal study counselling in the subject area
  • Individual learning support
  • Learning
  • Assistance with seminar papers: Clarification of topics, questions, structure
  • Tips for creating presentations and handouts
  • Assistance with creating PowerPoint presentations
  • Assistance with analysing academic texts
  • Realisation of dress rehearsals for papers and presentations typical for academic studies
  • Workshops on various topics
  • Materials
  • Media cabinet in the learning centre with scientific and didactic literature
  • Helpful books and materials for learning in the teacher training programme
  • E-learning (self-study programmes)
  • Important links to the degree programme


Liebe Studierende, 
wir freuen uns sehr darauf Euch im Lernzentrum begrüßen zu dürfen. In diesem Semester finden alle Beratungen und Workshops in Präsenz statt. Die Anmeldungen zu den Workshops erfolgen jedoch weiterhin über unseren PANDA-Kurs. Dort findet ihr zudem aktuelle Informationen. Hier gelangt ihr zum Kurs. Bei einer manuellen Einschreibung (ohne Passwort) ist der Kurs über das WS 2023/24 zu finden.

Learning centre

Our offer is aimed at all students of the Institute - Nutrition, Consumption & Health.


Counselling for individual seminars

Informal study counselling in the subject area

Individual learning support


Assistance with seminar papers: Clarification of topics, questions, structure

Tips for creating presentations and handouts

Assistance with creating PowerPoint presentations

Assistance with analysing academic texts

Realisation of dress rehearsals for papers and presentations typical for academic studies

Workshops on various topics


Media cabinet in the learning centre with scientific and didactic literature

Helpful books and materials for learning in the teacher training programme

E-learning (self-study programmes)

Important links to the degree programme