Ba­sic course in­di­vidu­al sport

In the basic individual sports course, students are given a comprehensive overview of functionally and technically orientated individual sports. They learn basic forms of movement (walking, running, hopping, jumping) using examples in the context of different sports and recognise connections and differentiations. They will also learn the basics of gymnastics and general knowledge of functional training, so that by the end of the seminar, students will have fundamental experience and general motor skills and abilities in running, jumping, floor gymnastics and fitness training.

In­di­vidu­al sport in the course of study

The "Basic course in individual sport" is assigned to module B5 in the Bachelor of Arts programme. The practical sports seminar is always offered in the first semester of study (winter semester).

Building on this seminar and in the context of the entire module "Teaching and Learning in the Fields of Movement I - B5", an advanced course from the field of functional-technical forms of movement is selected in the summer semester of the second year of study

Rep­res­ent­a­tion sports man­age­ment

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Dr. Dorothee Neuhaus

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Koordination Lehrbeauftragte, Modulleitung B7, Sportartenleitung "Laufen - Springen - Werfen", "Ringen und Kämpfen", "Funktional-technische Bewegungsformen", Vertretung: "Sportspiele", "Rückschlagspiele", "Individualsport"

Write email +49 5251 60-1865

Sub­sti­tute mod­ule lead­er B5

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Dr. Lena Gabriel

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Sportartenleitung "Gestalten, Tanzen, Darstellen" & "Rollen, Gleiten, Fahren", Modulleitung B4 (B.Ed.) "Theorie und Praxis der Sport- und Bewegungsfelder II" & B10 (BA) "Lehren und Lernen in den Bewegungsfeldern II"

Write email +49 5251 60-1865

Cur­rently on par­ent­al leave: Head of Sports and Mod­ule Lead­er B5

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Dr. Christina Zobe

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Derzeit in Elterzeit!Modulleitung B3 (B.Ed.), Modulleitung B5 (B.A.), Sportartenleitung Sportspiele, Invasionsspiele, Rückschlagspiele, Sportartenleitung Individualsport (B.A.)

Write email +49 5251 60-1869