Cre­at­ive forms of move­ment in the Bach­el­or of Arts pro­gramme

The advanced courses in creative forms of movement are located in module B10 (Bachelor of Arts) and are assigned to the 2nd year of study. The course is attended in the 3rd semester or is only offered in the winter semester.

Building on the basic courses from the module "Teaching and Learning in the Movement Fields I", the basic experiences and competences are further developed in a sport or topic-specific manner through the systematic planning, implementation and reflection of own teaching experiments in different work-related settings. In addition, a focus is placed on deepening artistic and creative development processes. As a rule, the final choreographies are presented at the end of the semester as part of the departmental event "StuDance".

Courses on creative forms of movement can be offered from the following compositional sports fields, depending on staffing and capacity:

  • Acrobatics
  • Group gymnastics
  • Jazz and modern dance
  • contemporary dance
  • Synchronised swimming

Sports man­age­ment and mod­ule man­age­ment B10

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Dr. Lena Gabriel

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Sportartenleitung "Gestalten, Tanzen, Darstellen" & "Rollen, Gleiten, Fahren", Modulleitung B4 (B.Ed.) "Theorie und Praxis der Sport- und Bewegungsfelder II" & B10 (BA) "Lehren und Lernen in den Bewegungsfeldern II"

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