Overview of contacts
If you have any questions or problems, please first check the following list to see which contact person is responsible for your request.
Contact and responsibilities
Module cables:
Module | Module management |
B5 | Dr Lena Gabriel (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
B10 | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Sports management:
Field of exercise | Sports management |
Invasion games (formerly sports games) | Dr Dorothe Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Setback games | Dr Dorothe Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Individual sport | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Functional-technical | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Compositional | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Module cables:
Module | Module leader |
B3 (Theory and practice of sport and movement fields I) | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
B4 (Theory and practice of sport and movement fields II) | Dr Lena Gabriel |
B7 (Theory and Practice of Sport and Movement Fields III) | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Sports management:
Field of movement | Sports management |
All sports games (invasion and rebound games) | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Rolling, gliding, driving | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Designing, dancing, performing | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Wrestling and fighting | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Running, jumping, throwing | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Moving in the water | Dr Astrid Kämpfe |
Movement on equipment | Dr Hilke Teubert |
Module cables:
Module | Module leader |
B3 (Theory and practice of sport and movement fields I) | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
B4 (Theory and practice of sport and movement fields II) | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Sports management:
Field of movement | Sports management |
All sports games (invasion and rebound games) | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Rolling, gliding, driving | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Designing, dancing, performing | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Wrestling and fighting | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Running, jumping, throwing | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |
Moving in the water | Dr Astrid Kämpfe |
Movement on equipment | Dr Hilke Teubert |
Area of responsibility | Contact person |
Coordination of the group "Theory and practice of sport and movement fields" | Prof Dr Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker |
Lesson planning | Dr Hilke Teubert |
Hall planning | Dr Hilke Teubert and student assistant |
Aptitude test | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Exam planning | Dr Lena Gabriel |
Materials and sports facilities | Uli Kussin and Frederike Sturm from the University Sports Centre |
Homepage | Sarah Lipsmeier (deputy), Dr Christina Zobe (currently on parental leave) |
Contracts, billing | Dr Dorothee Neuhaus |

Head -
Office: SP2.1.201
Phone: +49 5251 60-1860
E-mail: elke.grimminger.seidensticker@uni-paderborn.de

Office: SP2.1.215
Phone: +49 5251 60-3135
E-mail: sabine.radtke@uni-paderborn.de

Secretary - Secretariat
Office: SP2.1.202
Phone: +49 5251 60-1861
E-mail: sarah.lipsmeier@uni-paderborn.de

Sportartenleitung "Gestalten, Tanzen, Darstellen" & "Rollen, Gleiten, Fahren", Modulleitung B4 (B.Ed.) "Theorie und Praxis der Sport- und…
Office: SP2.1.207
Phone: +49 5251 60-1865
E-mail: lena.gabriel@uni-paderborn.de

Sportartenleitung Schwimmen
Office: SP2.1.205
Phone: +49 5251 60-1862
E-mail: astrid.kaempfe@uni-paderborn.de

Member - Koordination Lehrbeauftragte, Modulleitung B7, Sportartenleitung "Laufen - Springen - Werfen", "Ringen und Kämpfen", "Funktional-technische…
Office: SP2.1.207
Phone: +49 5251 60-1865
E-mail: dorothee.neuhaus@uni-paderborn.de

Office: SP2.1.211
Phone: +49 5251 60-1866
E-mail: lisa.marie.picht@uni-paderborn.de

Stundenplanung Theorie & Praxis der Sportarten, Belegung Sportstätten Gebäude SP1, SP2 und Outdoor; Bewegen an Geräten, Kleine Spiele
Office: SP2.1.205
Phone: +49 5251 60-1862
E-mail: hilke.teubert@uni-paderborn.de

Bewegen an Geräten, Basiskurs Individualsport, Aktuelle Formen des Fitnesstrainings
Office: SP.1.419
Phone: +49 5251 60-5306
E-mail: carolin.waltert@uni-paderborn.de

Derzeit in Elterzeit!Modulleitung B3 (B.Ed.), Modulleitung B5 (B.A.), Sportartenleitung Sportspiele, Invasionsspiele, Rückschlagspiele,…
Office: SP2.1.209
Phone: +49 5251 60-1869
E-mail: christina.zobe@uni-paderborn.de