Sports fa­cil­it­ies and equip­ment

Here you will find all information about our sports facilities and materials.

Aptitude test

An Aptitude test must be passed as a prerequisite for the teacher training programme with sport as a teaching subject. You can find all further information on the Aptitude test here.

Sports ment­ors

The sports mentoring project utilises the sporting expertise of the students. Those who have problems in certain practical sporting events can be individually supervised by a sports mentor and thus prepare for the exam.

Further information can be found on the following pages.


Here you will find information on safety and how to deal with accidents/injuries

AGs and prac­tice times

Would you like to train for your practical exams?

Then you will find all further information about your practice options here.

Uni­ver­sity sports

Here you can find the university sports centre