In this movement field, students acquire a wide range of skills and competences in dealing with the element of water and its physical properties. On the one hand, they learn the standardised swimming strokes including competition-appropriate starts and turns as well as ways to teach them. The fields of water familiarisation and beginner swimming also play a central role against the background of an empirically proven decline in the swimming ability of children and young people. On the other hand, other forms of movement and sports in the water that are suitable for sports lessons are also discussed (e.g. diving, synchronised swimming, lifeguarding, water polo). Throughout the course, there is a particular focus on the safety aspects and organisational forms of swimming lessons that are relevant to teaching.

Mov­ing in wa­ter in the Bach­el­or of Edu­ca­tion - PO 2017

Movement in water is assigned to module B7 for the school types GyGe, HRG and BK. The movement field is studied in two consecutive courses. Movement in Water I is offered in the summer semester and Movement in Water II in the winter semester.

For the GS and SP school types, the movement field is located in module B4. Here, only the course Moving in Water I, which takes place in the summer semester, is studied.

Further information on the competences to be acquired, the course content and the forms of examination can be found in the relevant examination regulations. The specific examination content will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Mov­ing in wa­ter in the Bach­el­or of Edu­ca­tion - PO 2022

Movement in water is located in module B4 (Theory and Practice of Sport and Movement Fields II) for all types of school and is scheduled for the 3rd (HRSGe, GG, BK) or 4th semester (GS, SP) according to the study plan. The course is therefore offered in both the summer and winter semesters and can be studied flexibly in the 3rd or 4th semester by students of all school types, provided there is sufficient capacity in the courses.

Further information on the competences to be acquired, the course content and the forms of examination can be found in the relevant examination regulations. The specific examination content and assessment criteria for the practical examination can be found here from winter semester 2023-24.

Ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions

The specific examination regulations for the practical examination can be found here.

Sports man­age­ment

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Dr. Astrid Kämpfe

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Sportartenleitung Schwimmen

Write email +49 5251 60-1862

Mod­ule lead­er B7 (The­ory and Prac­tice of Sport and Move­ment Fields III) in the Bach­el­or of Edu­ca­tion and B5II (In­di­vidu­al Sport) in the Bach­el­or of Arts

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Dr. Dorothee Neuhaus

Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields

Koordination Lehrbeauftragte, Modulleitung B7, Sportartenleitung "Laufen - Springen - Werfen", "Ringen und Kämpfen", "Funktional-technische Bewegungsformen", Vertretung: "Sportspiele", "Rückschlagspiele", "Individualsport"

Write email +49 5251 60-1865