Girls on the Mo­ve

The overarching purpose of the Girls on the Move programme is to increase the physical activity levels of girls and young women in Scotland. The Girls on the Move programme has been designed to address the barriers which prevent girls and young women aged 9 to 18 from participating in physical activity. The programme aims to give girls and young women who are not currently physically active opportunities and choices to achieve the social, psychological and physical benefits possible through physical activity. The programme addresses different target groups: a) girls and young women living in disadvantaged communities/settings including those who are homeless or in care, b) girls and young women with disabilities or mental health issues, c) young women who are mothers of young children, d) girls and young women from black and ethnic minority communities. Monitoring and evaluation, being a crucial part of the programme, is commissioned by the Robertson Trust and is being undertaken by an evaluation team from the Department of Sports Studies at the University of Stirling. The evaluation concentrates on the impact of the programme on issues such as self-esteem and confidence as well as physical health and activity levels.


University of Stirling, Department of Sports Studies, Unit: Sports Policy
Zusammen mit: John Taylor
Laufzeit: 2005 bis 2008
Mittelgeber: Robertson Trust & Scottish Executive


Radtke, S. (2007). Cultural barriers to participation in sport and physical activity among Pakistani girls and young women: a case study report on the Girls on the Move programme in Scotland. Macara Girls Youth Group - Mission: Activate Confidence. In H. Tiemann, S. Schulz & E. Schmidt-Gotz (Hrsg.). International - Inklusiv - Interdisziplinär. Perspektiven einer zeitgemäßen Sportwissenschaft (S. 229-250). Schorndorf: Hofmann.

Taylor, J. & Radtke, S. (2007). Evaluation of the ‘Girls on the Move’ Programme in Scotland. Stirling: University of Stirling, Department of Sports Studies.