Cul­ture of Ex­cel­lence in Scot­tish Sport

The aim of this study was to explore issues relating to possible relationships between sporting success and aspects of Scottish culture, values and motivations. The two broad issues to be investigated were: a) the extent to which there are aspects of Scottish culture which limit sports people’s ability to achieve consistently at the highest level, b) are there transferable lessons to be learnt from similar nations who have achieved more sustained sporting success? The research was undertaken in two phases (phase 1: review of literature, phase 2: In-depth Interviews). A wide range of interviewees were selected to reflect experience (foreign coaches working in Scotland and Scottish coaches with overseas experience), type of sport (individual, partner and team sports), gender and a selected number of elite athletes who have achieved international success. Such individuals were in a unique position to provide an in-depth comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a range of aspects of Scottish elite sports, including cultural values and attitudes and their influence on athletes’ aspirations and performance.


University of Stirling, Department of Sports Studies, Unit: Sports Policy
Zusammen mit: Prof. Dr. Fred Coalter, John Taylor, Prof. Dr. Gant Jarvie
Laufzeit: 2005 bis 2006
Mittelgeber: Scottish Institute of Sport Foundation


Coalter, F., Radtke, S., Taylor, J. & Jarvie, G. (2006). How to achieve a sporting culture of excellence in Scotland. Stirling: University of Stirling, Department of Sports Studies.