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Nu­tri­tion and Home Eco­nom­ics 4.0 - Teach­er train­ing for vo­ca­tion­al schools: di­git­al and lan­guage-based (EHW 4.0)

The EHW 4.0. project aims to professionalise students for the ever-increasing digitalisation of the world of work and school. To this end, online lessons are being designed in transdisciplinary collaboration between the Paderborn University's departments of Home Economics Didactics and DaZ, DaF and Multilingualism and used in the respective subject didactics seminars to prepare prospective teachers for digital, subject-specific and at the same time language-educating teaching at vocational schools in the migration society. Four central goals are being pursued:

  1. Promotion of digitalisation-related skills,
  2. Linking digital, didactic and language-education elements in vocational teaching in the EHW specialisation,
  3. integrating digital and language education content into existing curricula and
  4. Dissemination and publication of the materials created as Open Educational Resources (OER) on the online state portal

Applicants: Prof. Dr Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies (project leader, EKG Institute), Freya Dehn (DaZ/DaF & Multilingualism), Anja Meyer (EKG Institute), Prof. Dr Constanze Niederhaus (DaZ/DaF & Multilingualism)

The project is sponsored by the Curriculum 4.0 funding line at Paderborn University, duration: two years from 07/2021



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Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies

Fachdidaktik Hauswirtschaft (Konsum, Ernährung, Gesundheit)

Teaching Methodology of Home Economics (Consumption, Nutrition, Health)

Write email +49 5251 60-2187