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EHW plus DaZ: Pro­fes­sion­al­ising pro­spect­ive teach­ers for lan­guage teach­ing in the vo­ca­tion­al field of nu­tri­tion and home eco­nom­ics

In cooperation with the didactics of home economics, this project focuses on the professionalisation of teacher trainees in the vocational field of nutrition and home economics for German as a second language and language-based home economics lessons.
The project offers a cooperative seminar in the Master of Education programme, which is run jointly by lecturers from the didactics of home economics and the DaZ, DaF and multilingualism department.
In addition, lesson recordings of language-based home economics lessons in vocational colleges will be produced for use in university teaching as well as in further education and training programmes.

[Project management]: Prof. Dr. Constanze Niederhaus
[Participants] Field DaZ/DaF & Multilingualism: Prof. Dr. Constanze Niederhaus, Freya Dehn
Home economics didactics (consumption, nutrition, health): Prof. Dr Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies, Michaela Wilms, Anja Meyer

Supported by the project "ProDaZ. Second funding phase"
Duration: 12/2020 to 06/2022


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Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies

Fachdidaktik Hauswirtschaft (Konsum, Ernährung, Gesundheit)

Teaching Methodology of Home Economics (Consumption, Nutrition, Health)

Write email +49 5251 60-2187