
Context-specific adaptation for head fakes in basketball: a study on player-specific fake-frequency schedules

I. Güldenpenning, N.T. Böer, W. Kunde, C.G. Giesen, K. Rothermund, M. Weigelt, Psychological Research (2024).

Producing deceptive actions in sports: The costs of generating head fakes in basketball

I. Güldenpenning, M. Weigelt, N.T. Böer, W. Kunde, Human Movement Science 87 (2023).

The science of deceptive human movement

I. Güldenpenning, R.C. Jackson, R. Cañal-Bruland, Human Movement Science 92 (2023).

Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball

N.T. Böer, M. Weigelt, C. Schütz, I. Güldenpenning, Psychological Research (2023).

Action outcome probability influences the size of the head-fake effect in basketball

I. Güldenpenning, R.C. Jackson, M. Weigelt, Psychology of Sport and Exercise 68 (2023).

Mental rotation with colored cube figures

M. Rahe, M. Weigelt, P. Jansen, Consciousness and Cognition 102 (2022).

Stimulating performance: A scoping review on transcranial electrical stimulation effects on olympic sports

M.A. Friehs, E. Whelan, I. Güldenpenning, D. Krause, M. Weigelt, Psychology of Sport and Exercise 59 (2022).


Learning and Memory in Sports

M. Weigelt, D. Krause, I. Güldenpenning, in: J. Schüler, M. Wegner, H. Plessner, R.C. Eklund (Eds.), Sport and Exercise Psychology, Springer, Champaign, 2023, pp. 41–70.

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