Sport and Men­tal Health

Room: SP0.404

Chair: Kristin Thorenz (PhD-student)

Cur­rent Re­search Top­ics

  • Sport and exercise therapy in the treatment of psychiatric disorders
  • Short-term effects of different exercise interventions on psychological well-being
  • Procrastination in a clinical and non-clinical population
  • Stress and coping-strategies of physical education teachers
  • Prevention and health promotion in long-term care


  • ProCare - Prevention and occupational health in long term care (11.2017-09.2020; PI's Prof. Dr. Thomas Jöllenbeck, Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigelt & Dr. Andre Berwinkel; TK Hamburg)


  • Short-term Effects of Different Interventions on Mental Health (since 01.2019; PhD project of Kristin Thorenz)
  • Evaluation of Five Guiding Principles in the Treatment of Major Depression Disorder (09.2012 - 07.2017; PhD project of Dr. Andre Berwinkel)
  • Impact of a Box-training Intervention on the Psychological Well-being, the Body Schema, the Resilience, and the Self-efficacy, as well as the Barrier Management of Obese and Overweight Woman (10.2015-06.2018; PhD project of Dr. Gudrun Zimmermann)
  • The Role of Procrastination in a Clinical-psychiatric Setting (03.2017 - 02.2018; Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigelt, PD Dr. Christine Norra, Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck, Dr. Andre Berwinkel, Hildegard Bobbert-Eißing)
  • Procrastination of Physical Exercise in a Student Population (2013-2014; Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck & Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigelt)
  • Work-related Stress and Coping Patterns of Physical Education Teachers (2013-2016; Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigelt, Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck, Dr. Astrid Kämpfe & Dr. Kathrin Wunsch)


  • Clinic of Psychiatry, Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel (Bielefeld)
  • Clinic of Psychiatry, LWL-Klinik (Paderborn)