Dis­pu­ta­tion - Dr Kirsten Budde

On 29 October 2024, Ms Kirsten Budde successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Mental Body Rotation in Sports - Cognitive Foundations and the Influence of Different Perturbations on the Performance in Mental Body Rotation Tasks with Egocentric and Object-Based Transformations".

The examination board was chaired by Prof Dr Thomas Jöllenbeck (Psychology and Movement, Paderborn University). The expert opinions were prepared by Prof. Dr Matthias Weigelt (Psychology and Exercise, Paderborn University) and Prof. Dr Petra Jansen (Chair of Sports Science, University of Regensburg). The commission was supplemented by Dr Dorothee Neuhaus (Theory and Practice of Sport and Exercise Fields, Paderborn University) as a representative of the mid-level faculty.

The Psychology and Exercise working group congratulates Dr Kirsten Budde on completing her doctorate. We are pleased that she will remain at Paderborn University after her doctorate. The group wishes her every success in her new position in the Inclusion and Sport group headed by Prof Dr Sabine Radtke and all the best for her personal and professional future!