Mas­ter stu­dents / gradu­ates

ATZ Del­brück

July 2024:

The ATZ Delbrück is looking for physiotherapists, sports scientists or sports and gymnastics instructors on a part-time, full-time or temporary basis.

Sports ther­ap­ist at the Aatal Clin­ic

January 2024:

Permanent vacancy notice

Pro­ject man­age­ment (m/f/d) for the "Struc­tur­al de­vel­op­ment of wheel­chair hand­ball in Ger­many"

December 2023:

- TC -35 hrs/week (90%)
- At the earliest possible date

Please find all further information in the attachment.


Prak­tikum BFV Train­er Aus- und Fort­b­ildung

September 2024:

Zur Unterstützung der Abteilung Trainer Aus- und Fortbildung sucht der BFV ab Oktober 2024 für fünf bis sechs Monate eine*n Praktikant*in.

In­tern­ship BFV Me­dia De­part­ment

February 2024

In­tern­ship ref­er­ee de­part­ment

May 2024:

We are looking for a trainee for four to six months from July 2024.

In­tern­ship BFV Ju­ni­or Foot­ball

July 2024:

The BFV is looking for an intern for the junior football department for six months from December 2024.

In­tern­ship abroad Mein Ball Dein Ball e.V.

February 2024:

Ex­er­cise lead­er and train­er

Re­haFIT train­ing area sup­port

June 2024:

Prac­tice man­age­ment Un­touch­ables

April 2024:

Ex­er­cise lead­er on a fee basis at Pro Leis­tungss­port Pader­born e.V.

February 2024:

Ex­er­cise lead­er TV Bri­lon

February 2024:


Em­ploy­ees (m/f/d) on night and week­end duty

July 2024:

The Paderborn Sports Boarding School is looking for a member of staff to work nights and weekends from September/October.

Cross­fit Flip­side

June 2024:


June 2024:

Job ex­changes and tips

Kre­is­s­port­bund Pader­born - Train­er ex­change

AStA job ex­change

back­in­job - Work­ing stu­dents


Mini job exchange with application tips


Mini and part-time jobs


Job exchange for Paderborn

Among other things, current mini-jobs, apprenticeships and internships
